Here are a few great podcasts on labor:
Fear Free Childbirth & Motherhood Podcast with Alexia Leachman
Overview: “The Fear Free Childbirth podcast is for parents-to-be who want a positive and fear-free birth experience. Thousands of women credit the podcast with helping them have a positive birth. The show is a mix of real life positive birth stories, birthing experts sharing their wisdom, and Alexia sharing how to get into a positive birthing mindset, including techniques for releasing fears. Alexia is a therapeutic coach who works with women to help them prepare for birth. She is also the author of Fearless Birthing.“
The Push Guide (Serena Salvato)
Overview: “When you find out you’re pregnant, you’re faced with emotions - excitement, happiness and fear, to name a few. And throughout your pregnancy, you’re faced with decisions - natural birth, using pain medication, hospitals, C-sections. Most of us don’t understand our options . The Push Guide podcast aims to educate you all on childbirth options, and to empower you to decide.”
Taking Back Birth (Maryn Green)
Overview: “Join host Maryn Green, autonomous midwife of many years, for all things radical birth, midwifery, and mothering related.”
For Home Birth: Doing It At Home (Sarah and Matthew Bivens)
Overview: “Doing It At Home is a weekly podcast about home birth and our decision to go from a traditional hospital birth with an OBGYN to a natural birth at home with midwives. This is a raw and honest show that explores homebirth from every angle. We talk about the fears and judgements thrown at you when you choose home birth. We share resources that we found tremendously helpful for understanding our birthing options. We confess the magic and craziness in preparing for pregnancy, home birth, motherhood and fatherhood.”
For Home Birth: Happy Homebirth (Katelyn Fusco)
Overview: “The Happy Homebirth podcast is your source for positive natural childbirth stories, and your community of support, education, and encouragement in all things homebirth and motherhood.”
For Moms of Color: Birth Stories in Color (Laurel Gourrier & Danielle Jackson)
Overview: “Birth Stories in Color (BSIC) is a podcast for Black, Indigenous, Asian, Latino, and Multiracial individuals to share their birthing experiences - a space that specifically celebrates, mourns with, and supports them and their transformation through birth. BSIC also emphasizes the role of storytelling as a way to equip future parents. Listening to real birth stories is one way to discover the expected and unexpected parts of the journey. We realize that there are birth stories not being heard. Our hope is that all who share and listen find this platform to be a community near and far, and an invaluable resource for navigating their own journey.”