Prenatal & Postpartum Classes
Prepare for the journey ahead with our fun, engaging, and up-to-date class offerings.
You may wonder when should you begin enrolling in all the classes you need to help you & your partner prepare for labor & birth, breastfeeding (& more), caring for your newborn and your weeks of recovery/rest. Our High Country Doulas’ classes are taught in several different formats and options, so you can choose which one is right for you. Utilize our Childbirth Education Guide to help you select the time and which classes are right for you.
All Classes are…
Designed for first-time parents or experienced parents who want to feel more prepared this time around.
For those who need ‘short and sweet’ or want to spend more time so you can absorb the information.
No more than 2-3 hours per class session.
Registration recommended early. Choose a class before 28 weeks and after 16 weeks.
Offered VIRTUALLY or In Person approximately once a month
Safety First: all in-person classes are social distancing, masks required and sanitizer available
Minimum of 2-3 couples for in-person classes and maximum of 5 couples.
Lots of options available. Choose which one works best for your schedule.
Also available in a Private Class.
Virtual vs. In-person
Each Virtual class…
2-3 hours of Online instruction
Comprehensive Digital Resources
a 20 minute Virtual Consult with your instructor
a Recorded Copy to view at your leisure
you can miss it and still receive the same great info
Each In-person class…
2-3 hours of instruction
a Comprehensive Resource Folder with handouts
a 20 minute Virtual Consult with your instructor
Local prenatal & postpartum resources
you get to meet other couples!
Classes to prepare you for labor and birth…
Our 6 hour course that drips the knowledge over either two 3 hour or three 2 hour classes! Includes Comfort Measures and the Golden Hours! (recommended between weeks 28-36)
Topics include:
Prenatal nutrition & body changes
Up-to-date information regarding COVID-19 policy changes in local hospitals
Latest research on pregnancy, birth and postpartum during COVID-19
Pregnancy’s changes & concerns
Prenatal tests & screenings
Prenatal anatomy
The stages of labor and strategies for each unique part
Understanding birth hormones (support both physical/emotional) and the role they play in labor and birth
How to navigate early labor and partner support
When to go to your local hospital and what happens when you’re there
How do you prepare for the big day?
Non-medical and medical pain relief options
Communication with your partner and your medical team
Interventions, options, and alternatives
Comfort measure techniques
The golden hour; how to’s, what is helpful, why’s
Tips to ensure a great postpartum experience
Our Express class prepares you and your partner for the big day! Pairs perfectly with our Comfort Measures Bootcamp! (recommended between weeks 28-36)
Topics include:
The stages of labor and strategies for each unique part
Understanding birth hormones and the role they play in labor and birth
How to navigate early labor and partner support
When to go your local hospital and what happens once you arrive.
Medical pain management options (Comfort Measures class covers non-medical)
Communication with your partner and your medical team
Interventions, options, and alternatives
“I learned so many practical tools to help me understand what to do to support my wife through every stage of labor.”
Comfort Measures Bootcamp - $45
Our hands-on techniques for labor support, shared and practiced in this 2 hour class. Perfect for partners to gain confidence and understanding of easy ways to provide support to birthing parent. Emotional and physical aspects of birth at all the stages and the tools to help you cope with labor. Pairs perfectly with our BIRTH Express class. (recommended between weeks 28-36)
Partner awareness & coping skills
Partner massage techniques
Best positions options for labor progression
Breathing effectively
Heat/cold therapies
Sensations awareness
Understanding of emotions
Hormones & rhythms of birth
We love helping dads/partners!
Simple tips can make all the difference for moms.
“The doulas who taught Comfort Measures Bootcamp were energetic and fun! They created a safe place to practice intimate positions which made for a GREAT learning environment. My partner and I left feeling knowledgable not only of multiple comfort measures but also how to do them in the most beneficial ways!”
Hypnobirthing® Class (Mongan Method) $350
HypnoBirthing® is the technique, as known as a philosophy, for women preparing for birth. This technique teaches tools to have a peaceful birth experience. This workshop considers all aspects of birth and the environment of where the labor and birth will be.
This HypnoBirthing® childbirth class meets once a week for 5 weeks, allowing you dedicated time for you both to begin the process of preparation, connecting with your partner, and enjoying getting connected with other expectant couples. INCLUDES - Comprehensive HypnoBirthing® techniques textbook and Hypnobirthing® Relaxation downloads.
It will give parents-to-be a complete look at the process of labor and birth including; what to expect in childbirth, importance in preparation (physically/emotionally), & more.
Introducing you to a course that helps support a calm, birthing experience for both the birthing couple, as well as their baby, that will last throughout their relationship.
Topics include:
Practice of meditation
Nutrition tips
Atoning to body changes
Relaxing environment
Cost = 350 - per couple (12 hour childbirth class, Relaxation downloads, Comprehensive Techniques Book)
“My dream is that every woman everywhere will know the joy of safe, satisfying birth, for both herself and her baby”
Classes to Prepare you for After Baby Arrives…
Learn the must-knows about breastfeeding and other options for baby feeding in this 2 hour class with a bonus HCD exclusive Pumping, Expression & More Guide. (recommended between weeks 20-28)
Topics include:
Breast anatomy & health
Lactation hormones; how they & baby activate your milk supply
Initiating and identifying a deep latch
Positioning for you and baby
Feeding rhythms and norms
Output = Input; reading baby’s diapers
Transitions of lactation from Day 1 to One month
Troubleshooting problems
Local resources
Paced bottlefeeding technique
Returning to work, pumping, and more
“The live interaction aspect of the class was most helpful. I have read lots of books in preparation for birth but the classes reenforced what I had already learned, provided insight that the books did not provide, and allowed for in person questions and discussions as well as live demonstrations which were incredibly helpful.”
Prepares you for the most challenging aspects of early parenting; postpartum recovery and early newborn care in our double topic 3 hour class. Couples will walk away excited to begin practicing new skills on your baby. (recommended between weeks 20-28)
Your Recovery:
What to expect in those first days and weeks for yourself and your body?
Practical tips for your recovery (vaginal or cesarean birth)
Dispelling myths around postpartum depression and anxiety (PMADs)
Helping you understand what womb-life is like.
Newborn sleep patterns and shifting day/night confusion
Simple strategies and techniques to comfort & bond with your newborn(s)
Learning how to respond and what do all those noises mean
Newborn Needs; communication, cues, reflexes & behaviors
Newborn Care; bathing, grooming, diapering, swaddling, & more
What are the best parenting tools to have on hand?
Newborn Care: $55
Prepares you for the joys and challenges of early parenting in just 2 hours. We give you the advantage of understanding what to expect and how to support your baby’s transition from the womb. (recommended between weeks 20-28)
Topics include:
Helping you understand what womb-life is like.
Learning how to respond and what do all those noises mean
Newborn sleep patterns and shifting day/night confusion
Simple strategies and techniques to comfort your newborn(s)
Newborn Needs; communication, cues, reflexes & behaviors
Newborn Care; bathing, grooming, diapering, swaddling, & more
What are the best parenting tools to have on hand
4th Trimester Planning: $120 for (2 Hour Private In-home)
Includes a comprehensive planning guide that you will create with your doula and many additional resources.
Prepares you and your partner for your first three months with baby. Gain a realistic look at what your 4th Trimester will be like and how you and your partner can make plans to ready yourselves and your home; to create spaces, prepare yourselves mentally, make the most of your maternity/paternity leave, and utilize your resources well.
Map out your plan for a better time home with your newborn with a private one-on-one planning session with our experienced postpartum doulas.
Includes…Detailed Parenting Questionnaire, 4th Trimester Guidebook, and 2 hours with your doula walking you through the most important aspect of preparation for parenthood for you and your partner
Areas of Focus:
What are my expectations? What is reality?
Understanding shifts of time and space in the 4th Trimester; Days look different, nights are unrecognizable, but you will navigate through it with adjustments of self-expectations, boundaries and your space.
Prenatal preparations; home, household, family, outside support
Getting out with baby; provider visits, going for walks, family/friend visits
Resources to understand and get support for your Perinatal Mental Health; postpartum — depression, anxiety, OCD, & PTSD.
Finding your new normal as a family
Tips for a better co-parenting experience
Walking you through creating your 4th Trimester Guidebook
Click below to view all class offerings & dates for Childbirth Express modules and more.
Click on Class and select DATES on the checkout form and conveniently pay online (or email us to pay via check/cash).
““Chelsey taught a private class for my husband and I and prepared us for the low-intervention, unmedicated birth we planned. We learned many breathing techniques specific for contractions, different positions to help open my pelvic floor, and the importance of staying calm and “open” for a positive birth!” ”
Private Childbirth Classes
Learn in the comfort of your own home by yourself, or invite your fellow pregnancy friends. Curriculums are tailored to your exact interest and class can be scheduled to perfectly fit your busy schedule.
Private class rate: $65/hr (minimum 2 hrs)
Our classes can cover a wide array of topics including:
Staged of Labor \\ “Natural” (unmedicated) labor \\ Comfort techniques, movement, and strategies \\ Non-medical comfort tools and techniques \\ Epidurals and other pain medications \\ How partners can get involved and help with labor \\ Preparing for a Cesarean Birth \\ Identifying your birth philosophy \\ Writing an effective birth plan/preferences \\ Communicating with your to your provider and/or partner \\ Husband/partner support \\ Doulas \\ Choosing your care provider \\ What to expect in the hospital \\ Routine hospital interventions and alternatives \\ Prenatal exercise, nutrition, and mental preparation \\ Packing for the hospital \\ Baby’s first hour of life \\ Bringing baby home \\ Newborn sleep patterns, comfort measures, and basic care \\ Breastfeeding \\ Bottlefeeding \\ Alternative feeding \\ Pumping \\ Postpartum self-care and recovery \\ And more!
We look forward to serving you.